Sunday, January 27, 2013

Siskin (Eurasian), Erlenzeisig, Carduelis spinus

Another surprise catch of a Lifer on a walk to a photo assignment. One has to keep eyes and ears open at all times :-)

More Info on Opus at Birdforum (Name translation thanks to Bavarianbirds)

From Birds Germany 2013
From Birds Germany 2013


  1. Neat capture of the Siskin flock. Congrats on your lifer, Nicole!

  2. Well done on the lifer Nicole.
    I'm lucky to see these beauties quite often during the winter months.
    Beautiful birds, but very feisty when they visit my garden feeders.

  3. I've been away with life's interruptions and a writing retreat. Have missed your blog terribly. Your beach cleanup walks inspired me to pick up trash on my daily walks in the woods around my place of retreat. Felt positively virtuous. In the twelve days I was there, cleaned up an area that had been receiving junk from car windows for years and years.

    Going on birding trip in May to see Kirtland's Warbler during nesting season in a young jack pine forest in northern Michigan. If we see one, it will be the most endangered bird on my life list so far, other than California Condor. Very exciting for this newbie birder. Trip is led by my daughter's partner, an ornithology professor. Am so lucky my daughter fell in love with a birder! First birding trip ever!

    1. I've been out of the Loop myself (and still am sort of), miss blogging too :-(

      Glad you could help Mother nature out there.
      I yet have to start picking up here in Kuwait again. At the beach and around here they actually have the trash picker uppers do more now (before there was nobody doing anything at the beach). Maybe it's an official public beach now, who knows.

      Lucky you with the birding trip! :-D!
